A portrait of Brandon McGee


Web Insights


Brandon is an expert at analyzing and interpreting website performance data. He gathers insights into how visitors interact with your site, identifies trends, and assesses the overall effectiveness of digital strategies. Additionally, he provides recommendations for improvements based on data-driven insights, helping optimize your online presence. He plays a crucial role in informing marketing strategies, enhancing user experience, and ultimately contributing to the success of your website by translating complex data into actionable insights.

When Brandon isn’t focused on data he’s crushing it at the gym putting up his PR as a powerlifter, shooting photographs, or cooking up delicious nutritious meals.


• Analytics

• UX/UI Optimization

• Digital Strategy

• Research

An image of a man with a weight lifting belt around his waist
An image of a guy photographing a sunset over the city skyline
An image of someone pan searing a seasoned filet of salmon